Monday, December 3, 2012

Ferrari F70 Enzo Successor FIrst Teaser

Ferrari F70 Enzo Successor FIrst Teaser
Ferrari F70 Enzo Successor FIrst Teaser
View information memalui Chinese Weibo us to come with the first teaser photo of the Ferrari F70 Enzo Successor. From the photo had shown the first glimpse of the front of the car Enzo Successor future. However, a shadow covering most of the front of the supercar that looks dark. On the broadband front wheels, headlights and air vents in the hood can be seen clearly.

This photo was made at the Ferrari somewhere in China. Text at the bottom of the screen saying 'client focused approach with the most comprehensive coverage ever'. Rumor also has said that the performance of the machine will reach maximum power of 850 to 900bhp and the dry weight of just 1,100 kg, so it can be concluded 265kg lighter than previously reported. According to sources the company that runs the project. Having opinions vehicle will be road-legal sports car competition proper.

While from the manufacturer Ferrari had said earlier that the entire car from the position of a racing car in the driving position dikendalaikan radically active aerodynamics radicals will take a closer driving experience. It has supported the idea of ​​a fairy tale Formula 1 car for the road. While the use of carbon fiber monocoque clear as we saw recently in Paris two months ago.

Ferrari F70 Enzo Successor FIrst Teaser
Ferrari F70 Enzo Successor FIrst Teaser 2

Ferrari F70 Enzo Successor FIrst Teaser  3

Ferrari F70 Enzo Successor FIrst Teaser 3
Ferrari F70 Enzo Successor FIrst Teaser 4

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